Governance / Compliance
- Corporate Governance
- Compliance
- Risk Management
Our Basic Approach to Corporate Governance
Forum Engineering regards corporate governance as the most essential management issues. To ensure the effectiveness of our corporate governance, we have constructed a system for executing business that is capable of swiftly responding to the change of socio-economic structures and the business environment surrounding us, in addition to systems for ensuring the proper management and supervision of our business. Through these efforts, we aim to increase the efficiency, fairness and transparency of our management of our business. Our actions based on the individual principles of the Corporate Governance Code are disclosed in corporate governance reports in compliance with the basic policy on corporate governance.
Implementation Structure
On June 25, 2024, Forum Engineering became a company with an audit and supervisory committee to improve the supervisory functions of the Board of Directors and continue to improve corporate governance through the continual enhancement of the structure for supervision.
The Board of Directors consists of six directors, including three outside directors. It endeavors to achieve continuous corporate growth and to increase corporate value over the medium and long term. It also makes important management decisions and supervises the individual directors' execution of their duties.
A majority of the Audit and Supervisory Committee are outside directors. Its activities include extensively exchanging opinions, verifying the appropriateness of management and compliance activities and auditing directors' fulfillment of their statutory obligations such as their duty of care of a good manager and duty of loyalty in connection with decision-making. In addition, we have establish the non-statutory Nomination and Compensation Committee to improve the objectiveness and transparency of personnel affairs and the compensation of directors.
In principle, the Board of Directors meets once per month. In these meetings, the directors discuss and make decisions regarding important management issues and other matters. We have also established a system to ensure proper decision-making based on reports and advice provided by the Management Committee and the Compliance Committee.
The Internal Audit Office has constructed a system for directly notifying the Board of Directors and the Audit and Advisory Committee of important audit plans and results and a system for directly reporting these matters to the Representative Director, President and Chief Executive Officer in an effort to improve governance.